Detox to Improve Liver and Kidney Health

Today I want to share my plan for a body cleanse. I have had many friends attempt some of the infamous cleanses of the celebrities in hopes of losing weight (lemonade, maple syrup, and cayenne, anyone??).  Usually these results in a few days of massive hunger, followed by a few days of binging because they are so hungry!  I would be hungry too, which is why I know that type of cleanse is not for me.  I have never been a true believer in most cleanses as I can’t see the health benefits of starving your body of nutrients while only consuming juice for a week.  However, I have also never tried one of these cleanses so I am not speaking from experience!

One cleanse that I am interested in is a short-term, gentle cleanse to help nourish my organs. Two overworked organs in the body that are rarely given proper credit are the liver and the kidneys. Both of these organs are responsible for filtering out and disposing of the hundreds of chemicals, pesticides, and toxins that we ingest on a daily basis.

Based on my personal information on body functions, digestion, and herbal supplements I’ve created a liver and kidney cleanse that I plan to do for about 2.5 weeks. I am excited to share my results in the end and believe that this will provide some “spring cleaning” for my system.  Here is my plan:

I will modify my regular diet to significantly cut my consumption of the following foods:

Meat: I will aim for 1 serving of meat every other day, as meat is harder on the digestive system. I currently eat about 1 serving of meat per day at dinner time, and eat non meat items and salads for lunch and breakfast.

Alcohol: Though I am a very light drinker already I will abstain from all alcohol during this period to avoid any overload on my kidneys and liver.

Processed foods: I will work to eliminate processed foods from my diet during this time. I know this will be the most difficult so I don’t expect to cut these foods entirely!  My hope is to consume 90% unprocessed foods with LOTS of fiber.  Since we are in the middle of summer, I am hoping to incorporate lots of fresh fruits and veggies into my diet and avoid all of the pre-packaged meals and sides.  I currently eat about 80% unprocessed foods, sometimes adding mac & cheese, or a rice side for a dinner addition.

I will increase my water consumption! I always have a water bottle with me, but I will be more mindful of drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day.  I keep a pitcher of lemon water in my fridge, so I plan to drink a large glass of this each morning before breakfast to get the digestive juices flowing!

I am also planning to supplement with a few herbals to help with the cleansing:

Dandelion Root- I have both the supplement and a roasted dandelion root tea. I will aim for one or the other each day (probably going for a cup of tea in the afternoons).  Dandelion Root is used to cleanse the blood and lever.  It improves functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, spleen and stomach.

Cranberry- I have a cranberry supplement, but may also look into a 100% pure unsweetened cranberry juice. Cranberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder cells, making it good for kidney and bladder health.

Milk Thistle- Milk Thistle is thought to be one of the best supplements to detoxify and stimulate the production of new liver cells. It also protects the liver from toxins.

Magnesium- I will continue to take Magnesium regularly as it helps support the kidneys and heart, and promotes bowel movements (both are important for this cleanse)! Magnesium is also great for any type of muscle cramping, and it can help relax you for sleep.  I always take mine right before bed.

I will provide an update after my cleanse to share any benefits, drawbacks, or interesting facts I find.

6 Supplements to add to your “Medicine Chest”

We are definitely back into the cold and flu season (did it ever leave?). This week we have had a few bugs floating around at work, and luckily I have upped the ante by starting back onto my regular supplement schedule.

Over the summer I tend to relax a little with my supplements. I always try to take a multi-vitamin, but usually cut back on my Vitamin D (I get lots of this from the summer sun) and other supplements that I take through the fall and winter to help build immunity and prevent sickness.  As I started back on my supplements this week, I wanted to share with you those that I find most effective in preventing sickness, even when all those around you are suffering.  Here is my list of “must haves” for the school year:

Garlic extract– Garlic and garlic supplements provide extraordinary immune boosting abilities. It is also effective against certain strains of bacteria and pathogens.  I take a garlic supplement fairly regularly as it also helps with cardiovascular health!

Vitamin D– This is a must have supplement all year round, though I do cut back in the summertime since I get lots of natural Vitamin D from being outside. Vitamin D is essential to many body functions, and aids in having a healthy body and mind (helps fight seasonal depression!).  I also give this to my toddler, but he gets a liquid “Baby D” vitamin.

Vitamin C– Another must have for all-year health. Vitamin C is the stuff that gives oranges their good reputation for kicking a cold.  Vitamin C is essential for so many functions including cardiovascular health, hair, skin and nails, cancer prevention, immunity and many more.

Echinacea Purpurea– This supplement is great for when a cold strikes. I do not take this daily, but rather use it at the onset of a sickness.  Echinacea is one of the supplements that is thought to help in the prevention and treatment of Ebola.  I have no experience with this particular sickness but the idea is enough for me to keep it on hand.  This is another supplement that I keep around in a children’s formula in case my little guy picks up a bug.

Olive Leaf– another great anti-bacterial and anti-viral to keep ready when a sickness strikes. I have a family member that took this particular supplement to help with the treatment of a MRSA infection.

Oil of Oregano– This stuff is super potent but does wonders to treat and prevent illness. Oil of Oregano is a very powerful natural anti-biotic and has shown efficiency over many of the prescription anti-biotics on the market.  I do not take this daily, but will take for 3-4 days every few weeks, or when I know I was exposed to an illness.

Though this list does not include all of the supplements and herbs out there that fight illness, it is a great list to keep handy. Different supplements fight different infections so if one is not working, try another.  Try to remember that if a bug hits, there is usually no real cure for it other than rest and good nutrition.  However, preparing your body with good nutrition and herbs can help prevent sickness from taking hold.

My habits of “buckling down” with my health beginning in September and continuing through April or so have resulted in multiple years of health. Some sickness is essential to building our immune systems, but if you find yourself getting more than 2-3 illness a year you many benefit from boosting your nutrition and supplement intake.  I generally get a cold sometime in the late fall, and usually something one other time in the year.  My colds are short-lived and I have not had anything more serious that a few sniffles and a sore throat in years.  Prior to changing my diet and lifestyle I felt like I was chronically ill, so do believe in the power of natural healing.

I have many other tips, tricks and healthy habits that I look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks. In the meantime, stay healthy!