Pure coconut oil for cuts, scrapes, and skin rashes

As a mom to a very active boy and a self- proclaimed klutz myself, we get our fair share of cuts, scrapes, and bruises in my house. My typical regimen used to be to wash the cut, apply some Neosporin, and cover it with a bandage. In my quest to eliminate unnecessary antibiotic use (its everywhere- Neosporin/triple antibiotic cream, in hand soap and sanitizer, and of course in our food supply) I have since been reaching for my trusty jar of Coconut Oil to battle our wounds!
Coconut oil has so many great uses around the home. I especially love it as a body care product because it is a pure and organic substance, and has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties. I cut my finger while chopping vegetables last week and immediately washed and dried my hand. I applied some coconut oil right away, and a little more before bed and the cut healed up within a few days. I have used it on other small cuts and scrapes over the year and have always healed up perfectly!
Coconut oil is also great for mild skin rashes. My son LOVES strawberries. We recently took a trip to an organic you-pick strawberry farm so we have a lot of them around the house. We try to limit how many strawberries he eats because he is slightly sensitive to them. He must have snuck a few extras over the days because he developed a light rash around his mouth. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all, but we had to cut him off from the berries! I applied coconut oil to his rash and it cleared up within 2 days. Since this rash is so close to his mouth, I especially like using a product on him that would be safe if ingested.
After my son was born last year, he developed a small case of cradle cap. Though this is harmless, I wanted to try a gentle method to remove this excess dry skin on his head. During his bath time I would rub a small amount of coconut oil on his head and let it sit while I finished his bath. At the end I took a small baby comb, and combed the dry skin right out! The coconut oil help gently remove the dead skin without having to use any type of chemical dandruff shampoo.
Next time you get a small cut or scrape, skip the antibiotic cream and rub a little coconut oil on it! I think you will be amazed at how effective it is in sealing your cut and healing you up!

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